I am fully vaccinated since February 2021.

Clinic Procedures Prior to scheduling an appointment

Please answer the following questions:

  1. Do you have any Covid symptoms?

  2. Are you living with a spouse of child with active COIVD?

If you answered YES, please wait to schedule an appointment. Thank you.

Mask Protocol as of May 13th, 2023

OHA has lifted mask requirements for masking in medical facilities. You are no longer required to wear a mask at the clinic. If you are not feeling 100% I do ask that you wear one out of precaution and courtesy for myself and my high risk patients. I will most likely still be wearing a mask as I have patients in active chemo and on their behalf I am still keeping as safe as possible.

Prior to your visit

If you have any of these symptoms the day before or morning of your appointment, call me and we will reschedule your appointment.

Symptoms are as follows:

  • Fever of 100° or higher

  • Sore, tickly throat or cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Loss of smell or taste

Clinic approach to preventing spread of COVID-19 Keeping you safe

During your visit, I’ll be wearing a mask for our protection and practice strict hand hygiene when caring for you.


I’m taking numerous steps to create a safe environment for me to practice and for you to receive care. Treatment rooms are cleaned between appointments. All surfaces are sanitized, and fresh linens are prepared and ready for your visit.